Whenever you run across “made his way,” “found himself,” “proceeded to,” “shot a look,” “caught a glimpse,” or “managed to,” you can probably find a better verb or verb phrase. Instead of “made his way,” we should walk, run, crawl, tiptoe, or something else that creates a vivid picture.
- Jack recently found himself in the consulting business.
Jack recently entered the consulting business. - Bill made his way to the front of the room.
Bill walked to the front of the room. - She proceeded to glance around the room.
She glanced around the room. - He managed to find something to reflect a touch of talent.
He reflected a touch of talent. - He politely pushed his way through the crowd.
He politely pushed through the crowd. - She shot a look at her adversary.
She glared at her adversary. - She caught a glimpse of his press pass for the local paper.
She glimpsed his press pass for the local paper.
Throw-Away Words – I’ll look for them. Thanks
Very helpful. Thank you.
Throw-Away Words – I’ll look for them. Thanks!