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Much of today’s society won’t listen to your truth. Why? They have their own truth. To believe otherwise would require displacement of their truth with new truth, which they’ve always believed was a lie.

Telling people they are wrong shoves them deeply into their already established convictions. If they are facing you, they may nod courteously, but they will walk away unconvinced, their ears closed to the possibility that they are mistaken about their truth.

The people who readily listen to your arguments will be those who already agree, which obviously won’t help those who most need to hear your message. What can you do?

Tell a story. If it’s compelling, with the necessary elements that make them want to find out what happens, they will follow the main character’s emotional journey and experience the truth. The lesson taught from that experience is unavoidable. Likely, you won’t need to tell them the truth. They will tell you, because they’ve lived it in your story.

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