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Jesus used a farming story (Click Here ) to describe what happens in the publishing world. When the seeds were scattered, some fell by the wayside where they were trampled or eaten by birds. Others fell on rocky ground where the shallow soil wouldn’t support continued growth. Thorny weeds choked the life out of many plants, but the farmer’s effort was not in vain. The seeds that found fertile ground took root and yielded a great harvest.

Your writing has a similar probability for success, no matter what kind of seed it is—a book, an article, a blog, or an email. Some will be rejected. Others will be set aside to be read later—and that day never comes. Distractions or changing interests may cause readers to begin but never finish.
Take heart. Our writing efforts cannot be in vain. Find a way to spread your message, and people somewhere will see your words, become believers, and act upon God’s truth. You may never hear about them, but they are the ones whose lives will be changed, bearing fruit—thirty, sixty, or a hundred times what was sown.

If you feel like your writing isn’t good enough, strive to make it better. But don’t even think about quitting. We dare not let our fear of rejection keep us from the writing we need to do, because the only way we miss the harvest is refusal to scatter the seed.

If we genuinely believe we will fail at something, we can get all the help in the world and will still manage to prove ourselves right. — Terry Burns

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