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The Writing for Excellence seminars are like a writing conference for a day—at a fraction of the cost. We usually bring a great teacher from out of town, but in January we took advantage of local talent. That would be me, teaching four great sessions on Story Power.

One student said my best session was “Be a Creative Genius.” In each of the half-dozen times I’ve taught that topic, I’ve strived to make it better. The thanks I received was welcome reassurance that I had done my best-ever job showing people how to be more creative.

That night while I slept, I kept waking up, trying to think of more “daffynitions” for my collection of crazy word meanings. Maybe once in six months, I would write a daffynition of my own. Why was I being driven to write more? Twice I had to get out of bed and write one on my note pad. A day later, I thought of another one. How was my brain doing this?

In the class, I had taught that “the human brain is an amazing resource when it is challenged to come up with ideas and information.” I was living proof—the victim of my own teaching.

What did I add to my Daffynitions collection on

  • Cross Training — Management by intimidation
  • Intent — Where campers sleep
  • Understanding — What Australians have when they get up from the table

Being creative is so much fun, it’s worth losing a little sleep over.

— Frank Ball

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