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I can’t believe it’s already the end of the 3rd quarter of 2023. Attached you will find your sales report if your book was for sale in May, June, or July of this year. But even if your book wasn’t – or isn’t yet – available, we want to share a few things with you about our current status of Roaring Lambs Publishing. We are continuing to update our library and our website with all of our new books and authors. We’ve added six new books since our last email and four new authors. It is indeed a busy season.

Speaking of busy: Last year, Amazon delivery was the slowest that we’ve ever seen. As of Black Friday, the delivery was in four or five weeks (after Christmas)! If you want copies of your books for Christmas, please order them now. If last year is any indication, the delivery day for a December tenth order will be January fifth! Order now and have them before Thanksgiving. Woohoo!

We are starting something a little new at Roaring Lambs Publishing, especially for our published authors! In an effort to help you with your marketing and plans for promoting your book or your book launch, we’ll be sending you monthly newsletters with marketing ideas, pointers, and hacks from some of the experts in the publishing industry. All of these suggestions are helpful and can be used ANYTIME, whether your book is a new release or not. There are always people who have not seen it, so let’s find a way to show it to them!

Just so you know, this is not an advertisement for any new product. All of these emails are free to you in hopes that they will give you some guidance for how to show and share your book.

It was really hard for me to decide what to share with you first. There are some values in different social media outlets and in emails, but I think the first thing to share is about If you’ve not joined Goodreads, think of it as a Facebook for readers. Your audience is sitting there waiting to meet you.

It isn’t a place where you can just post about your own book, though. Join up. Find some readers who read what you read and “friend” them. Then start sharing about what you’re reading and comment about what others are reading. There will be more about Goodreads later, but you can get started. Your Goodreads friends will start noticing you as you engage, posting reviews and comments. That’s the tip for this month. (A tip of the iceberg!) And there is more coming!

Remember that if you don’t have a sales report attached, your book wasn’t available for purchase in May, June, or July. If you do have an attached sales report, you should be getting a check soon.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Marji Laine
Roaring Lambs Publishing

And your Roaring Lambs Publishing Team

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