Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “It’s not rocket science.” Or maybe this one: “A child could do it.” Are we helped by knowing this? Maybe not, because the truth is, we don’t know what we don’t know. But we can learn. That’s why all the “books for dummies” have been such great sellers.
Easy solutions come with lots of hard work.
We’re always looking for the easy path to success, but like so many other valuable accomplishments, publishing success doesn’t have an easy way. If it did, everybody would already be doing it.
When it comes to social networking, marketing, and building a platform, one person’s success model won’t work for everybody else. You must work hard to discover what will lift you into the stratosphere.
It really is Rocket Science.
You’ll not break above the world of ordinary writers without extraordinary effort. You can do it, and it’s worth every blow-up, crash, and rejection to get there.
What you learned in English classes won’t be enough to impress modern readers. Writing can be as problematic as the first firing of rockets. Each test submission that fails helps you make improvements. Keep going back to the plotting and characterization. Rework the narrative and dialog until you think it will fly. Test again, and when that fails, keep on trying.
Christians can’t fail.
You don’t need a bestseller to be successful. Just one person turned away from Hell is a priceless reward. This side of Heaven, you may never know how lives have been changed, but keep making the effort. God will always bring the results.
As the greatest of all rocket builders, God never fails. So enjoy all the success he will provide from your effort.

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