The meaning of a word changes when it is used in different ways. What in the world is a “prepositional verb”? If you understand what the parts-of-speech functions are, you’ll construct better sentences for better communication.

Nouns are things that either exist or do something—a person or place, perhaps—or something abstract, like an action, quality, thought, or feeling.

Verbs describe action, state of being, or a condition in relation to what a noun is or does.

Pronouns, as the name implies, are a unique group of “pros” who function as nouns or noun representatives.

Adjectives modify or clarify the meaning of nouns or pronouns. They cannot modify other adjectives without a unifying hyphen, so the compound adjective functions as a single modifier.

Adverbs, as the name indicates, add meaning to a verb, but they can also modify adjectives and other adverbs.

Prepositions are usually pre-positioned to create a relationship between a noun, pronoun, or phrase and other words in the sentence.

Conjunctions join words, phrases, and clauses in a relationship with one another.

Interjections are short expressions of emotion or sentiment, often followed by an exclamation mark.