Former literary agent and Gilead Publishing CEO says, “While it might seem like writing is similar to the biblical voice crying in the wilderness, it is actually closer to whispering on a busy city street at rush hour and wondering why no one stops to pay attention.”
People are so busy these days.
After work, they’ll spend another four to six hours watching television, going to a movie and dinner, or browsing the Internet. They don’t have much time for reading.
You have a message worth shouting.
Jesus said, “What I whisper to you in the darkness, you must shout in broad daylight. What your ears have heard, preach from the housetops” (Matthew 10:27). In the last two thousand years, our culture has changed a but. Climbing up on the roof probably won’t be effective. What can we do?
Find your audience and get their attention.
We’ve already talked about where people spend a lot of time: on the Internet. With a well-written blog, you can reach them from home, without needing a ladder to get on the roof.
If your goal for a blog is to sell books, that’s a bad idea. Nobody is looking for another book to read. They won’t care about your blog either, not unless you have something to say that can’t be found elsewhere. What might that be?
You have a survival story than no one else can tell.
How did Christ make such a difference, turning your tragedies into triumphs, defeats into victories, and grief into joy. That’s something you need to roar about. Don’t whisper.