“Schools’ out, school’s out. The teacher let the mules out.” This was a common saying in some neighborhoods in the 1940s. Kids loved getting out of school before Memorial Day and never having to open a textbook again until after Labor Day.
Do you remember your first big graduation celebration? These days, graduation from kindergarten can be a big deal. Finally . . . no more mid-day naps and learning to color inside the lines. Some students have finished their studying after high school. According to at least one survey, most college students don’t read another book for ten years after they graduate.
Time for a reality check. Great writers never quit learning. They practice their craft with a passionate desire to improve. Birth announcements have never identified a great writer. That recognition is earned over many years. If you’re not well into that journey yet, the best time to start is right now.
Here are three books you should study like you were preparing for a college exam and your graduation depended on it.
- Proofreading Secrets of Best-Selling Authors by Kathy Ide
- Write with Excellence 201 by Joyce Ellis
- A Step in the Write Direction by Donna Clark Goodrich
For writers, graduation comes gradually.