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“Work” is a four-letter word that sounds like drudgery, strain, and pain—something we might want to avoid if we could. To keep writing from becoming work, we need to add a little fun, like whistling or singing a happy tune.

What humor or unexpected twist might make our stories interesting? Have fun with that. Make it a game.

Here are a few questions that might tickle your funny bone. Hover over the question for the answer.

  • When is a story like a broken pencil?
  • What do you call Santa’s elves?
  • Why do words and punctuation end up in court?
  • What building has the most stories?
  • What’s the longest word in the dictionary?
  • How are cats different from commas?
  • What happened when the past, present, and future walked into a bar?
  • Which dinosaur knows the most synonyms?
  • When do writers shiver from the cold?
  • Why should writers avoid meter and rhyme?
  • What does one library book say to the other?
  • How do library books see themselves?
  • What did Brontë do after finishing her novel?

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