In 2003, the book Blind Sight. by James Pence, was published by Tyndale. Although it was well-written, with great characters and a wonderful plot, sales were less than spectacular. For the book to be read, people had to know about its importance, and that wasn’t happening in significant numbers. One might question whether the words were worth the effort.
On March 1, 2008, Terry Caffey lost everything: His wife and two sons were brutally murdered. His home was burned to the ground. He almost lost his own life in the tragedy. He did lose his will to live. Miraculously, one page from a book survived the fire, with a message that restored Terry’s faith in God and gave him power to forgive those who had stolen his life.
Caffey wanted to tell his story, but he needed someone who could tell it well. He chose James Pence, who had written that surviving book page with the life-changing message. That’s right, the page come from Blind Sight.
We should never underestimate how God can use our words. If written well, your story can be as life-changing as a page torn out of the Bible.
For Terror by Night, the book that Terry Caffey and James Pence wrote, Click Here.
Terry Caffey’s experience in finding the page from Blind Sight is summarized in the video below: