Each morning Frank Ball reads a few comic strips to stir his creative thinking. In just a few frames, many of them tell an interesting story with beginning, middle, and end.
One of his favorite strips is Shoe, by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly, when Skyler sits in the classroom and absurdly answers the teacher’s request for a definition.
Here are some daffynitions that were added recently:
- Cloud Computing — Using your laptop on an airplane
- Crossing the Line — A good way to get slapped by an adjacent fisherman
- Executive Bank — How Air Force One makes a hard left
- Full Metal Jacket — C-3PO’s formal attire
- Pole Vault — An eastern European bank
- Stage Fright — A cowardly act
- Tastebud — How Willie Nelson grades his autumn harvest
- Vice President — The head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Gambling
To read more of the collection, Click Here.