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Your exciting research and inspiration has produced a 3,000-word article. Now you’re ready to post a wealth of information on your website page or blog. Everybody will want to read what you’ve written. You should know. Why else would you do all that work?
There is a problem.
Most readers don’t have much time to read—unless the topic just happens to be something they are very interested in. Your excitement doesn’t matter to them.
How much time do you have to read blogs? If you’re like most of us, you pick only items of special interest. You glance at the first few words and maybe read a paragraph or two. Anything beyond that is skipped—either trashed or set aside to read at a later time, which never comes. Give your readers credit for being as discerning as you are, choosing what’s most important to them.
A message of 100 to 250 words is at least four times more likely to be read than 1,000 words or more.
If you want to be read, then write tight, making every word count.
Statistics for this blog: 16 sentences, 180 words, 11.3 words per sentence, 4.3 avg. letters per word, 5.7 Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level.
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