The just-for-laugh gags catch us by surprise, and we can’t help but laugh because the joke is on the other guy. We know what’s happening, but others can’t believe their…
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A “pun” uses a word or phrase to suggest a different meaning. Sometimes we might even laugh. Frank Ball calls them “daffynitions.” He has a large collection of such words…
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Modern animation technology allows us to use old black-and-white photos and create amazing videos that let us feel what it was like to walk the New York streets in the…
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We know to check the newspaper or Internet to find out where and when the fireworks will be. Rarely will a Fourth-of-July celebration find us while we’re shopping or enjoying…
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Alexey Romanov was born without fingers, but his ears had a love for music, and he longed to play the piano. If he can do so much with so little,…
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Every individual should have a different voice, so why would we want to copy another speaker or writer? Let go and be uniquely you. What would a piano sound like…
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When a twelve-year-old rises to the top of Britain’s Got Talent competition, we are awed, as if we’re witnessing a miracle. Actually, what we’re seeing is impressive because of excellent…
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Some of us remember days when yards had no fences and exploring the creek bed was safe as long as you watched for snakes. Playgrounds had swings that taught you…
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Times have changed, with stories told simply and quick to the point. The story about the three little pigs dates back to the 1800s. Walt Disney gave it modern fame…
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