WHO IS GOD?: A Guide to Seeing God as He Really Is


Does God exist?
What proof do you have?
Who do you believe God is?
Does he resemble one of your parents?
Is it possible to recognize someone you can’t see?

Books, social media, and television can influence what we believe about God. So can our upbringing and life experiences. How do you know what is right? The Bible is the most thorough resource we have that reveals who God is. Are you willing to embark on a journey that could positively alter what you believe you already know?

The way we view God affects everyday life. It affects how we see ourselves and how we see others. It can affect our desire to live or die, whether we see a cup half-empty or half-full, or even whether we will be a giver to others or a taker from others.

Delving into this study will help you know whether God cares about you. It can answer the question: “Why am I here?” Learn how to personally connect with God and how he views your suffering. You can discover answers to questions you’ve always had about God. Seek him and you will find him.