● If you love to read, you might be a writer.
● If you take time to look up words in the dictionary, you might be a writer.
● If you notice misspelled words on public signs, you might be a writer.
● When the McDonald’s sign in your neighborhood says TRY OUR MIGTHY WINGS, if you stop to tell the manager, you might be a writer.
● When watching a movie, if you pay close attention to the plot and characterization, you might be a writer.
● If television newscasters drive you nuts with their clichés, redundancies, and grammatical faux pas, you might be a writer.
● If you can’t read a book without noticing grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, you might be a writer.
● If you love the poem Ode to the Spell Checker by Martha Snow, you might be a writer.
Or if you laugh at the signs with misspelled words, you might be a writer.
I am a writer. Just not a clever one — yet.