Marji Laine
Frank Ball
Before you make a significant investment in development and publication of your book, you should get a free evaluation from a Roaring Lambs professional. People sometimes think they can write a book, see it on bookshelves a few months later, and have a bestseller that will make them wealthy. That’s not the way publishing works.
Traditional Publishing: Since traditional publishers are looking for celebrities who sell hundreds of thousands of books because of their big names, that option probably isn’t worth pursuing, just for the possibility of a small royalty and two years to get the book produced.
Custom Publishing: These companies will typically charge $5,000–10,000 up front and about double the book’s production cost to cover their expenses and make a profit. That kind of investment has virtually no chance of recovery in book sales.
DIY Publishing: The do-it-yourself approach puts you in control, so you decide how much help you want to pay for and how much you will do on your own. By going direct to the book producer (Kindle Direct Publishing/KDP) with print-ready cover and content files, you have zero up-front cost and buy author copies for half what they would cost from a custom or traditional publisher.
Your Best Plan: DIY Publishing gives you quick availability of a professionally printed book on Amazon. Typical lead time for traditional publishing is two to three years, and Custom Publishing can take six months. After files are submitted to KDP, books are typically shipped in one to two weeks. Your KDP royalty on Amazon sales can be five to ten times higher, per book, than traditional publishing would be.
Roaring Lambs Publishing: Do-it-yourself doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. We can help with whatever services you need to produce professional print-ready cover and contents, ready for upload to KDP. Every step of the way, we’ll walk yourself through the process of becoming your own publisher so you receive the full benefit of your effort.
Complete the Author Questionnaire: After you complete the online questionnaire and attach a sample of your work, you will receive a free evaluation that will give you a realistic perspective on where you stand in helping readers grow in their faith. You’ll also receive free advice on what your next steps toward success might be.