A “pun” uses a word or phrase to suggest a different meaning. Sometimes we might even laugh. Frank Ball calls them “daffynitions.”

He has a large collection of such words and phrases, and he’s constantly adding more. Some are his original creation, and others are gleaned from popular comic strips. Here are a some that he recently added to his website:

Frank Ball Original Creations

  • Cursive — Manner of speaking when very angry
  • Autobiography — The life history of two cars

From B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart

  • Recall — What parents do with obstinate children
  • Terminal Velocity — How fast you can run when late for a flight
  • Hootenanny — Child care for young owls
  • Defaced — Banned from Facebook

From Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly

  • Plutonium — The Latin name of Mickey Mouse’s dog
  • Rectify — When a proctologist puts on a rubber glove
  • Restitution — An institution that teaches you how to sleep
  • Pillory — A place that fills prescriptions

From Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich

  • Barcode — If somebody buys you a drink, buy them one too

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