Some say constructive criticism is a contradiction of terms. “Constrictive” means to “build up,” while “criticism” tears down. There may be some merit to that observation. When we receive criticism, we have to work hard to determine its merit and then build ourselves up.
Studies have shown that we improve much more rapidly with encouragement rather than criticism. So let’s do unto others as we would have them do unto us.
Maybe you’ve spent four years and have finally finished a first draft. You joined Toastmasters. You have a speaking engagement. You finally started writing a blog. You went to a writers conference and gave your elevator pitch. Whatever it is, great or small, you can encourage others by telling what struggles you endured to reach your milestone of success.
We want to make this process easy. Just go to the Story Help Groups website under the Groups tab and select My Publishing Success. You’ll find an easy form to submit, which will notify Henry McLaughlin so your information can be included in a future Story Help Groups Writing News post.

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