More than fifty years ago, when Frank Ball took his first fulltime job, he wanted to make work fun so he could live like he was on vacation year-round. The positive attitude made a huge difference. Instead of wishing he were somewhere else, he kept looking for ways to make today’s work better and more enjoyable.
Before Tom Sawyer enticed his friends to paint the fence for him, he had to act like he was having fun. Following Tom’s example, Frank did a lot of acting when he first got into writing, but the more he told himself that he loved writing and speaking, the more he really did.
He refused to be intimidated at writer’s conferences. He kept telling myself that his lack of knowledge and experience meant he would learn a lot. This was going to be fun. And it was.
His work became such a thrill that he had to figure out how to keep vacations with the family from being a drag.
The solution? Take advantage of every opportunity to combine vacation fun with work fun. As soon as he learned that he would teach the Beginning Fiction Writers track at the SoCal Christian Writers Conference, he had to see if the family wanted to spend a week at Disney Land. Texas is a long way from California, so here was a chance for him to double his pleasure.
While the conference is in session, he’ll focus entirely on helping writers improve their skills. But you can be sure he will enjoy every day in California, because he’s making a point to spice up his writing life with plenty of fun.

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