In conversation, we use some words interchangeably, as if they meant the same thing. But if synonyms meant exactly the same thing, we wouldn’t need different words, would we? If we understand the distinctions, we know which choice is best.
Exalt / Exaltation or Exult / Exultation
Since these words are often used interchangeably, your dictionary might offer little distinction, but there is one. Exaltation is best defined as the glorification or elevation of a person or thing. Exultation focuses on the feeling we have, our being so filled with joy that the overflow must be expressed. We should exalt the Lord Jesus for all he has done for us and have exultation for the indescribable peace and joy we feel.
Famous or Notorious
Famous people are known for their achievements, their position in society. Notorious people are known for their wrongdoing, their criminal activities. Roy Rogers is a famous cowboy, and Jesse James is a notorious criminal.
Farther or Further
Farther refers to physical distance, which is easy to remember if you notice that the word contains “far.” Further applies to distance in the metaphorical or figurative sense. If we need to drive farther down the road, we’ll need further instruction.
Healthy or Healthful
Use healthful when the intended meaning is “promoting good health.” Healthy applies to anything in good health. A healthful snack will keep us healthy.
Here or There
The difference is in whether we see the object as close or distant. Here we have something either in my hand or close, but over there we have something that is more distant.
Historic or Historical
Historic refers to something especially worth noting in history. Historical simply identifies something from the past. Neil Armstrong’s first step on lunar soil was an historic event, and the museum contains many historical items from the first decades of space travel.