From director and founder Frank Ball, to present and former members and associates of North Texas Christian Writers and Story Help Groups:
For more that fifteen years, we’ve been working to help one another improve our writing skills and encourage all Christians to tell their life-changing stories. We’re about to finish another year, and 2018 will be even better because we have an exciting new partnership to tell you about.
North Texas Christian Writers and Story Help Groups has done a lot to help writers, but wouldn’t it be wonderful to do much more? For that, we need help. Lots of it. The solution is obviously to add resources, but how? We have an answer with Roaring Lambs, which shares our vision for all Christians to tell their life-changing stories.
Effective at the end of the year, the Story Help Groups ministry will be acquired by Roaring Lambs, another nonprofit ministry. Since I work better as a support person, I’ve encouraged Roaring Lambs to appoint Johnna Howell as director of our new Roaring Writers ministry and allow me to be the Assistant Director. For them, I’ll do some of the website and graphic design, writing, blogging, and editing. I’ll also help with their publishing ministry. I’ll do a few speaking and teaching events. But I no longer have to be in command, and that’s a huge relief.
Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. As a support person, I’ll be doing a lot more, not less. And so will many others. I hope that includes you.
In 2018, Roaring Lambs will have its 13th annual Christian writer’s conference, which is unlike any other conference in its power-packed succession of 25-minute presentations from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (https://www.roaringlambs.org/conferences). Many of those presentations will highlight three-hour evening or Saturday seminars in which the topic can be presented in greater depth. For April 2018, I’m working on a self-publishing presentation focused on CreateSpace print publication.
We’re just in the initial planning stages for the Roaring Writers ministry (https://www.roaringlambs.org/roaring-writers), with new behind-the-scenes developments happening every week.
In any transition, everything stays the same until we can find ways to make it better. We’re working on new Roaring Lambs website pages for writers. Much of what we’ve had on the Story Help Groups website will show up there, but we need your help in what to do with your involvement. Are you involved in groups that aren’t listed but should be? Do you have an existing group that needs to change? Keep in mind that we’re opening the door to hundreds of new people who need to improve their writing skills and get published, so we will need groups in many areas that don’t currently have groups. Could you make time to get Roaring Writers training and help others set up a local group?
Like I said earlier, nothing changes at this moment. But between now and six months from now, we’re expecting great progress as more people are willing to share the vision.
Please reply to either me (fball@RoaringLambs.org) or Johnna Howell (jhowell@RoaringLambs.org) to let us know how you would like to help.
May we all be blessed as we see this ministry grow.
It really is exciting. The potential is beyond what I can imagine.
Wow, Frank, way to go! No moss growing under your feet!! Glad to see you’re charging ahead with yet more ideas and innovations to strengthen writers–and impact the Kingdom!