Top Five Reasons Stories Aren’t Read
  • Movies have more action and intrigue. They require less time.
  • Watching sports puts people onto the playing field.
  • Reading feels like work without pay.
  • Their library is filled with books to read “someday.”
  • Don’t know. Just not their thing.
Which do you think is number one?
Lack of Time
That’s the issue, isn’t it? One person said, “With all the things I have to do every day, I barely have time to sleep.” His schedule was so packed, he barely had time to play golf on Saturday and watch football on Sunday afternoon and Monday night.
Actually, we have twenty-four hours in a day, the same as we always have had. People don’t read because they lack the time.They just aren’t interested.
Lack of Interest
People find time to do what most interests them. They are looking for three things, and an activity that scores high in all areas is sure to get their attention.
  • Education: They’d love information that would solve their problems and help make their lives better.
  • Entertainment: Laughter is great medicine to reduce the pain and improve their outlook on life.
  • Escape: Their drive to avoid pain is stronger than their need for pleasure
Your Story Is Important to Them if . . .
  • The title extends an invitation that can’t be refused.
  • The situation suggests something about to change.
  • The outcome is in doubt, anticipating either severe consequences or great rewards.
  • The emotional journey puts readers into the heart of the struggle.
The Number One Reason
If everyone told how their lives have changed because of Christ, the whole world couldn’t contain all the stories (John 21:25). So what’s the number one reason they haven’t been read?
They haven’t been written yet.
Make Your Stories Captivating
With the Sharpen Your Skills storytelling classes on October 27–28, you can learn how to keep your audience on the edge of their seats and not want to change channels.

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