There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning. — Louis L’Amour
Some people think authors sit down and write a bestselling book in a few weeks. They have no idea the amount of research, interviews, and planning that comes before the first words are written. After months of writing four or more hours every day, there’s the rewriting and editing.
Finally, after the manuscript is finished, the work has just begun. If you’ve been through the entire process from concept to contract, you have an idea how challenging the work is.
Here’s the good news: writing is hard work, but changing one life justifies the effort.
Jesus said we’re the light of the world, and that means we should do whatever we can to share our stories. So keep writing. The life you change may be your own.
A wife asked her husband, “How was work today?”
His expression showed unexplainable strain. “I changed a light bulb.”
“Oh,” she said, “so you had an easy day?”
He smiled like he knew something she didn’t. “Yes, but only because I had the strength and knowledge to do the work.”
Here’s how hard it can be to change a light bulb:

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