A writer might say, “I’m not creative,” but that’s like saying, “I can’t come up with a unique thought.” That’s only true when we’ve made it that way in our minds. We were born creative, but as we learned to conform to social standards our creative gene became recessive.
Maya Angelou says, “By the time the creative people are ten or twelve, they want to be like everyone else.”
As children, we could color cows purple and scribble all over the page, and Mom raved about our talent. But soon we learned the importance of using the right colors and staying inside the lines. We bought the lie that being different was somehow wrong, which leads us to what Joseph Chilton Pearce says: “To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.”
To be creative, we must dare to be different.
As writers, being called weird might be understood as a great compliment.

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  • Jimmy Eskew says:

    Great words of truth, brother Frank. God gave each of us a creative spirit. I pray we all use our creativity for His glory.

    Thanks, Frank

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