Writing, publication, and marketing can be as challenging as a climb to the peak of Mount Everest. Many climbers get partway and decide the journey is too hard, not worth the cost. Or so they think. They will never know for sure, will they?
You have a story that needs to be told.
Meaningful, captivating stories are about a very important character whose life has changed. That would be you. Isn’t the change what God did for you? Your story begins with who you were and ends with who you became.
Jesus said we should let our light shine, and there’s no better way to do that than to tell our stories. But it isn’t easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is.
Don’t make the climb by yourself.
Many climbers have approached Everest thinking, I can do this. But they didn’t have the stamina or training to make it. They needed help in preparation and help along the way.
For such a challenging climb, you probably wouldn’t want to ask Mom or a friend for help. An expert guide would be wonderful, but how can you afford one of those? A writers group is one of the best resources. Group members can pick you up when you fall, and in helping them, you will help yourself.
Ignore the Naysayers.
You need a “pick me up,” not a “push me down.” So look for your encouragers and close your ears to those who say you can’t. With God, all things are possible, but not to those who can’t believe.
What is it that you need to believe? Two things: the value of the reward and knowing you can get there. Eventually.
One step at a time, you keep climbing. You may slip and fall, but you keep getting up because you know the only way you can fail is to quit.
Brace for Challenges
Confidence can be good, but it can also be a killer. As soon as we think we know, we quit learning. We don’t know what we don’t know, so we can feel really good about ourselves. That confidence can mean we’re not ready for what lies ahead, and we don’t even know it.
Watch out for the avalanche, the crevasse hidden by last night’s snow. Or from a writer’s perspective, be prepared for rejection by the editor or agent, and react positively. How do you do that? By learning even more, becoming better equipped for the journey to the top.
Keep Climbing
You may have heard what was once a common saying: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Is that always true? No, except in one case. When your way is committed to God’s will, failure is impossible and the reward is inevitable.
When you get to the top, you’ll know for certain that writing your story was well worth the time and energy required for the climb.

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Frank says:

    I believe every Christian has a story that needs to be told. The only question is what form of publication it should take: verbal, email, blog, article, or book. For today’s market, there’s a 99 percent probability that the author will self-publish, and that has to be okay. Because that’s the way the publishing world is, these days.

  • Tim Shoemaker says:

    Excellent reminders, Frank! I love this excerpt from your article …

    “Meaningful, captivating stories are about a very important character whose life has changed. That would be you. Isn’t the change what God did for you? Your story begins with who you were and ends with who you became.
    Jesus said we should let our light shine, and there’s no better way to do that than to tell our stories.”

    What a great reminder for some grandparents out there who need to get some of the experiences–and wisdom they gained in the process–onto paper. And they need to learn to write well. Then they can pass on the great life-lessons they’ve gained onto the next generation.

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