Don’t Miss the Self-Publishing Cents and Sensibility Seminar
You really need to attend the next self-publishing seminar. The event is free, entirely supported by your donations, but seating is limited. Unless you want to wait for another seminar in 2017, you should sign up now.
Nielsen Bookscan data indicates that about 80 percent of all books published will not sell 100 copies in a year, and over 95 percent will not sell 1,000. With those kinds of numbers likely, traditional publishers have to reject books because of their merit and look for celebrities who come with a virtual guarantee of selling more than 100,000 books.
Therefore, most of us will have to choose some form of self-publishing.
Define Publishing Success
Retired Christian literary agent Terry Burns says, “A secular writer has to sell thousands of books to be a success. If a Christian writer sold only one copy, but it changed someone’s life, he would be a success.”
This is great news. You can be successful with a memoir for family and friends, a collection of poems that only a few people would want to read, or a book of devotions—even if more copies are given away than sold.
Self-Publishing Can Be as Affordable as Making Photocopies
A high-quality book used to be a $10,000 investment, leaving thousands of unsold books in people’s garages. Not anymore.
Today’s challenge is to get the book well-written and well-edited. With some helpful advice from the seminar, the printing and inventory doesn’t have to cost much at all.
More about that next week . . .

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