To strengthen our faith in the midst of writing challenges, we need encouragement. Scripture is our best resource for reminding ourselves that God has a plan that can’t fail, as long as we refuse to quit.
The apostle Paul wrote: “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 NIV).
Since that truth applies to all things, it must include our writing things, so we can purposely encourage ourselves even further by paraphrasing the words from a storyteller or writer’s perspective.
Here’s how we might paraphrase Romans 8:28: “Rejections, unreturned calls, and ignored book proposals will all work for good for writers who love God and seek to communicate a message that pleases him.”
Let’s look at a few more examples:
  • Oh that my words were written with an iron pen on a granite tablet so my story could be read forever. — Job 19:23–24
  • God’s word is a lamp that lights my writing journey. — Psalm 119:105
  • When I ponder what to write about, I remember the plights of my past and why I now give you praise. Then I reveal your glory by showing how you’ve worked in my life. — Psalm 143:5
  • Sow your seeds in the morning and keep writing until dark, for then you may reap a great harvest. — Ecclesiastes 11:6
  • Write your message in an article or a book so it may be an everlasting witness. — Isaiah 30:8
In what scriptures do you draw strength for your writing effort?
How would you paraphrase those words to specifically address the needs of your storytelling world?

More Scriptures for Storytellers

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